Wednesday, July 25, 2007

South Africa Goodyear, Tire Strike Continues

Akron/Tire Review, July 25, 2007


The South African tire industry strike continued into its third day on July 24, with wage negotiations progressing slowly, according to the National Union of Metalworkers South Africa (NUMSA), which represents some 4,000 strikers at plants operated by Dunlop, Continental, Goodyear and Bridgestone.

Industry spokesperson Attie Higgs said progress had been made on several non-wage issues, but workers remain firm on their 10% wage increase demands. According to reports, Dunlop, Continental and Goodyear had made a 7.5% offer, while Bridgestone offered a 7% wage increase.

“We want to force employers to improve their offer because the industry has been reporting good profits over the past three years. We are hopeful of a significant wage increase,” a NUMSA spokesperson said.

Higgs refutes those claims, saying that there had been little growth and that, over the past three to four years, the industry marketshare had dropped as a result of imports.

Higgs said the short-term impact of the strike would be limited, but an extended strike would have severe implications.


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